Forms & Regulations




  1. Date: The Show date is Friday 4th October & Main Show day will be held Saturday 5th October 2024.
  2. Opening Times: The Show will be open on Friday 4.30pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm.
  3. Opening & closing times for pavilions: Main Pavilion will open Friday evening 5-7pm and Saturday at 9am  – 5.30pm.
  4. Saturday Sheep pavilion, Poultry Pavilion, Lion’s Wool Pavilion and Horticultural Pavilions will close 5pm.  Exhibitors please read pick up details in the schedule or on show website.
  5. Security: There will be security both Friday evening and Saturday.
  6. Power: Please indicate on application form if you will need a powered site.  Exhibitors/vendors/entertainers must provide their own leads which must conform with Victoria Work Cover Guidelines, i.e. be tested and tagged within the previous three (3) months; be appropriate for the job (heavy duty); long enough for the job, but do not exceed permitted lengths and in good condition.  (Copies of the Code of Practice Temporary Electrical Installations are available from your Work Safe Office).  Please read site application. If you use your own power generator, no fee will apply.
  7. OH&S Regulations: All mobile plant must comply with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
  8. Insurance: All exhibitors/vendors/entertainers must have Public Liability Insurance to $5,000,000 cover.  Exhibitors/vendors/entertainers must forward with their application, a photocopy of a Certificate of Currency with cover for at least $5,000,000, valid at the date of this Show.
  9. Food Handling Permit: The Moira Shire requires that all exhibitors/vendors must apply for a temporary Food Handling Permit if they do not already have a Food Handler’s Certificate. This applies to those stalls selling food, whether it is for immediate consumption or to be consumed later.  Vendors of any food product must include with their application copies of:- a/.  appropriate Food Handler’s Certificate;

b/. Certificate of Registration from Local Government Authority. Check with Moira Shire Council if you require a Street Trader Application.

  1. Liquor Licence: All exhibitors/vendors serving alcohol will need to obtain a Liquor Licence from the Liquor Commission (  In most cases this will merely be an extension of your existing Licence.  All exhibitors/vendors serving alcohol have a duty of care to patrons.  Those sites wishing to serve alcohol must inform the Show Secretary on their application form for approval.
  2. Site Applications: All site applications must be submitted on the official Yarrawonga Mulwala Show form.
  3. Site Acceptance: No sites will be confirmed as booked until all requested information is supplied and fees paid.  If site applications are not completed and fees paid in full, all paperwork will be returned until completed and returned, your site will not be held.
  4. Site Boundaries: The size of the site requested must be adequate to contain completely all the exhibitors/vendors equipment.  Trailers, tow bars, guy ropes, etc., must not infringe on adjacent sites.  All exhibitors/vendors must keep sites safe to the public and must observe any reasonable instruction of the Site Steward.
  5. Set Up/bump in and out: Sites must be set up by 8am on Saturday.  Vehicles must be removed by 8.30am, unless arranged to leave on site and approved by Site Steward prior.  No site will be able to pack up or leave the grounds prior to 9pm, unless arranged and approved by Site Steward prior.
  6. Vehicles: It is an Occupational Health and Safety requirement that all vehicles must be removed from the Showgrounds to the parking area nominated by Parking Stewards by 8.30am on Saturday.  If a vehicle forms an integral part of an exhibit, arrangements must be made prior to the Show with the Site Steward for the vehicle to remain on the grounds.  Such vehicles must not be moved under any circumstances between 8.30am and 9pm on Show Day.  A permit notice will be issued to attach to windscreen to confirm your vehicle has been approved to stay within the grounds.
  7. Passes: Everybody entering the Showgrounds is required to pay the appropriate entrance charge.  This includes exhibitors/vendors/volunteers and Show Committee members.  This is a community event, planned by a small committee and couldn’t operate without the enormous amount of volunteers that help out at show time.  But, couldn’t financially operate if all these volunteers didn’t pay an entry fee along with all others attending the show.
  8. Site fees: Fees must be forwarded to the Show Secretary with completed documentation.  Cheques made payable to Y&B A&P Assoc. Inc. or directly deposited into CMCU  bsb: 803188 acct. 14155   Please leave a reference or attach a receipt to documentation.
  9. Site allocation: Sites will be allocated by the Site Steward.  The Society reserves the right to change the position of any site on or before Show Day.  The decision of the Site Steward will be final.
  10. Refusal of applications: The Society reserves the right to refuse an application for a site without giving any reason.
  11. Site sub-letting/sharing: Sub-letting or sharing of sites is not permitted.  Showmen’s Guild members are exempt and operate under Guild Rules.
  12. P.A. systems: Individual public address systems are not permitted on Show Day.  Exhibitors/vendors are invited to submit material for broadcast over the Show P.A. system, if time permits, to the Show Secretary’s Office early Show day.
  13. Banned items: Vendors of sample/show bags must submit a list of contents of bags to the Show Secretary at the time of application.  Some novelty items are considered unsuitable for sale.  Anything that can be used to create injury or nuisance to animals or people is banned from sale.  A list of unsuitable and banned items is attached to your site application. Vendors found to be selling these items will be dealt with according to law and immediately removed from the Showgrounds.
  14. Fire permits: If you are operating any device with a naked flame (i.e. BBQ or cooker) and it turns out to be a Total Fire Ban (unlikely, but possible), you will need to register for a permit after discussions with Site Steward.  Contact Show Secretary for more information.
  15. Securing pins, pegs or stakes: Pins, pegs or stakes must not be driven into the ground without prior permission of the Site Steward as underground hazards may exist. Ground must be returned to flat condition.
  16. Fireworks: Appropriate certified personnel only may discharge fireworks.  Application to discharge must be lodged with Work Safe at least seven (7) days prior to the event.   Must be approved by the Site Steward prior to any permit being sought.
  17. Dangerous Goods: All dangerous goods must be correctly stored and labelled. HazChem signs must be visible to public.


It is necessary for all commercial sites to conform to Occupational Health and Safety, Dangerous Goods Legislation and Associated Regulations, especially those regarding the use of electrical leads and LPG appliances and fittings. All sites will be inspected to see that all regulations are complied with.  A Gas Check List can be downloaded from Energy Safe Victoria’s website Or show office.  Please complete this checklist and keep it with you for the duration of the show.  You may be requested to produce it as part of a Site Safety Audit.  Make sure any remedial work you need to do is carried out before the show commences.

It will be necessary for all Food Vendors to comply with Victorian Health Regulations.   A copy of the Moira Shire Guidelines for the Sale of Food at temporary Premises (also please check if you require a Food Trader application) is available on application to Moira Shire Health Services Department.  03 5871 9222.



Fri 4th & Sat 5th October 2024